Monday 16 November 2015



What do I look like & what do I do

The Golgi Apparatus is a major part of the cell and belongs to all plant and animal cells. The Golgi apparatus takes proteins and lipids(fats) from the RER and puts these contents into a useable form for the cell. It looks like flattened stack of tubes and it makes and secretes mucus. The Golgi apparatus collects simple molecules to create more complex molecules. These complex molecules are then packed in the vesicles of the cell. From there, the contents can either move within the cell to the lysosomes, the cell membrane or the molecules can stored for later use or sent outside the cell.  On the whole, the Golgi collects and processes the materials needed to be removed from the cell.

Without me...

Without the Golgi Apparatus the cell would not be able to process and package the materials, meaning the cell will not grow. Also, the cell would not be able to complete certain cell activities. The cell could not function as the materials are not processed into a useable form.

Why I'm important

The Golgi Apparatus is important to the cell because it takes the protein that the ribosomes make and are traveled through the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi. From there, the Golgi apparatus puts the protein into a useable form for the rest of the cells organelles to use.


Work Cited

"Golgi Apparatus." British Society for Cell Biology. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2015.
"Golgi Apparatus_5th." Cellstructure /. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2015.



What do I look like? (Structure)

I am a flexible, double-layered, semi permeable membrane which surrounds the cell and I am made up of proteins and phospholipids which are beneficial to the cell. 

What do I do? (Functions)

All cells are contained by the cell membrane. I am known for supporting and protecting the cell. Also, I allows some substances (good things for the cell) to enter the cell while keeping other substances (bad things for the cells) out of the cell. I am found in both the plant and animal cell.

Why do you need me? 

Furthermore, without me, the cell membrane, the cell would be at a higher risk of unwanted substances and would have limited to no protection or support. Also, without the cell membrane which contains all organelles, the cell organelles would be an unorganized mess. The cell would fall apart and simply cease to exist without the cell membrane.


Vote for Cell Membrane!!


Lysosomes are small pockets with their own kind of membrane that float throughout the cytoplasm. They digest food and organelles if needed in order to provide the rest of the cell with vital sustenance, and they also defend the cell from viruses that would otherwise destroy it and all the other organelles. These organelles are essential to the survival of the cell, and all other organelles, as it takes only one unchallenged virus to destroy a cell.

Another important role of the lysosome is when the cell is undergoing "apoptosis", which is when the cell must digest itself to keep corrupted DNA from spreading. If there were no lysosomes to perform apoptosis, many more cases of cancer would occur, as many are avoided through apoptosis, and because only the lysosome can perform this amazing feat, this makes it doubly important.

Campaign Speech:

Lysosome video

Clearly, the lysosome is the most important organelle in the cell. It is found in most animal cells, and some plant cells. The reason why not all plant cells have lysosomes is because there is a cell wall in place to block viruses. Many other organelles have shortcomings, for example:

1. The nucleus being important isn't logical, as it isn't even found in prokaryotic cells. Though prokaryotic cells have a similar organelle, it isn't a nucleus, therefore showing that the nucleus is not the most important.

2. The peroxisome has been known to possibly have 16+ disorders, some of which are fatal. Even though it has it's benefits, this organelle is too structurally weak as it can't even get it's processes correct, and cannot be the most important if it causes great harm.

3. Chloroplasts aren't even found in animal cells, as they are not needed. Are these organelles that only found in plant cells really the most important?

Wouldn't something that defends the cell and provides nutrients in tough times be a stronger, tougher, more important organelle?



Ribosomes are like miny factories in a cell. They provide essential proteins that help carry our cell functions.

How Protein is made

To fulfill it's main function ribosomes must make protein. To do this they receive "recipes" from the nucleus that tell the ribosomes how to act. The main step of creating protein that ribosomes is a part of is labelled translation. 

Why Ribosomes are important

Ribosomes are necessary for the cell to live. They go around providing protein for every other organelle in the cell. Without them protein would stop being produced which ends up with organelles dying. If organelles die then the cell dies.  

Where to find Ribosomes

Ribosomes either are floating around the cytoplasm to the different organelles or attached to the cells endoplasmic reticulum. If the ribosomes are just being created they are in the nucleus untill they are ready to support the cell.

  • Ribosomes create protein for the cell to function
  • Ribosomes either float around the cytoplasm or bind to endoplasmic reticulum
  • Found in both plant and animal cells
  • Ribosomes are different from normal organelles in that they are not surrounded by a protective membrane
  • The "rib" in ribosome comes from ribonucleic acid (RNA) which provides the instructions on making proteins.

Campaign Video

The Powerhouse of the Cell



Did You Know?

The Mitochondria is the organelle that keeps the whole cell running. Without it, no cells would have the energy to survive and carry out regular life processes. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, and without it, you wouldn't be reading this right now. 

Still Don't Believe Us?

The mitochondria is so great, that it is believed that it once existed on it's own.

Why is Mitochondria the Most Important Organelle?

The mitochondria digests nutrients to create energy called ATP or Adenosine (a-den-o-seen) Triphosphate. This energy is the current used to power all living things. Without the ATP, none of the other organelles would be able to do any of their jobs. 

What are the benefits of the Mitochondria?

  • They can quickly change shape and move around the cell when needed
  • When the cell needs more energy the mitochondria can grow and divide on it's own. When the cell needs less energy, they can become inactive
  • Some of them can produce hundreds of different proteins used for various functions

Campaign Video

Works Cited

Vote Peroxisomes!

What is a peroxisome?

A peroxisome is a free floating organelle found in the cytoplasm of cells. Peroxisomes are organelles that break down organic molecules, through a process of oxidization into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The H2O2 is then quickly turned into water and oxygen. They also break down long chain fatty acids into metabolic energy. In plants, peroxisomes turn fatty acids into sugars, which are used for metabolic reasons also. This process is very important in germinating seeds.

Why should you vote for Peroxisomes?

A life without peroxisomes is not possible because no other organelle has the enzymes to break down fatty and amino acids and turn its remains into water and oxygen. Without the peroxisomes, H2O2 would would overrun the cell, leaving the cell defenseless.

Peroxisomes Pack a Powerful Punch!

For more information visit the link below:


Cross-section of chloroplast with labels. Membranes, Stromal Lamellae, Thylakoid, Stroma, Sugars.
Chloroplast Structure
I am chloroplast! I am a big contributor in cells, but I am only found in the plant cell structure. We work to convert the sun's energy into sugars which are healthy and help the cell function. Without us, photosynthesis would not be possible. Therefore, chloroplasts are the main source of survival for all plant life.