Monday 16 November 2015



What do I look like? (Structure)

I am a flexible, double-layered, semi permeable membrane which surrounds the cell and I am made up of proteins and phospholipids which are beneficial to the cell. 

What do I do? (Functions)

All cells are contained by the cell membrane. I am known for supporting and protecting the cell. Also, I allows some substances (good things for the cell) to enter the cell while keeping other substances (bad things for the cells) out of the cell. I am found in both the plant and animal cell.

Why do you need me? 

Furthermore, without me, the cell membrane, the cell would be at a higher risk of unwanted substances and would have limited to no protection or support. Also, without the cell membrane which contains all organelles, the cell organelles would be an unorganized mess. The cell would fall apart and simply cease to exist without the cell membrane.


Vote for Cell Membrane!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If there was no cell membrane, the lysosomes could defend the cell from harmful viruses, as we fight against them. Why have a cell membrane if the materials from it could be used to create more lysosomes, and therefore defend the cell even better? Vote Lysosome, the real defender of the cell.

    1. Lysosome, I could easily use the same argument against you. Why waste energy making lysosomes when you have the cell membrane? The cell membrane not only defends the cell, it gives support to the cell and is the home to all organelles. The cell membrane can easily protect and defend the cell without the help of lysosomes. Lysosome more like lysolame. Vote cell membrane, the defender that the cell really needs.


    2. the lysosome not only defends against viruses but it also digests organelle that are worn out and recycles them for the cell to use. without these recycled materials the cell would eventually die because of a lack of not-functioning organelles. the lysosome also engulfs entire cells that are defective and would otherwise pass on their defective genes through mitosis. The lysosome has many functions that the cell membrane cannot carry out and that are essential to the life/well being of a cell. Vote lysosome today for a clean, efficient cell!


    3. the lysosome not only defends against viruses but it also digests organelle that are worn out and recycles them for the cell to use. without these recycled materials the cell would eventually die because of a lack of not-functioning organelles. the lysosome also engulfs entire cells that are defective and would otherwise pass on their defective genes through mitosis. The lysosome has many functions that the cell membrane cannot carry out and that are essential to the life/well being of a cell. Vote lysosome today for a clean, efficient cell!

    4. @cellmembrane, if you can use the same argument against us, explain why you need us to repair your fragile structure? And to disprove your comment that "The cell membrane can easily protect and defend the cell without the help of lysosomes", since viruses constantly pass through you as a result of your malfunctions, you can't defend yourself from the inside. The viruses would kill not only you, but all of the other organelles. The reason that you survive these invaders that you let in, is us, the lysosomes. Vote lysosomes, the real cellular security.

  3. *gives vote to cell membrane... gets cystic fibrosis*

    1. *gives vote to chloroplasts... only helps plant cells*

    2. *gives vote to chloroplasts... only helps plant cells*

    3. *gives vote to chloroplasts... only helps plant cells*

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yes, you make a good point you do protect the cell...However without the nucleus, there would be no purpose for any Eukaryotic cell, due to the fact that the nucleus controls ALL of the cells activities, therefore there would be no point in wasting useful materials to make a cell membrane if there was no cell to be protected.

  6. the cell membrane is a defective organelle. It lets in viruses the could harm the cell or potentially kill it. The lysosome however can engulf these viruses rendering them harmless. .

    1. Oh Lysosome, please don't tell me that you are oblivious to the fact that you too make mistakes. For instant, if there are too many of you, you can kill the cell from you acidity - which is just cruel.

    2. Actually, the Lysosome does not make the mistake, the nucleus does. We are just trying to do our job, and then they go and overproduce the TFEB gene, which then forces the production of too many Lysosomes in the cell. Vote Lysosome, we will protect you.

  7. I do see your point, however if you put it in the perspective that you are existing, you would need me. I offer you extra protection, support, keep intruders out, give you crucial substances needed for survival and protect the organelles that you love to control. Without me, the organelles you control would cease to exist and you would no longer have an important job or purpose.

  8. So you say that you protect the cell? Preventing anything from entering it? Well I hate to break it to you buddy, but you're not as impenetrable as you claim to be. Because of the cell membrane's failure to properly complete its job, it has lead to diseases such as HIV, Alzheimer's disease and protein processing malfunctions that lead to cancer and neurological disorders.
    My fellow organelles, how can we trust this excuse of an organelle lead us if it cant even do it's own job?
    Make your vote count
    Vote the Mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cell!!!
