Monday 16 November 2015



Ribosomes are like miny factories in a cell. They provide essential proteins that help carry our cell functions.

How Protein is made

To fulfill it's main function ribosomes must make protein. To do this they receive "recipes" from the nucleus that tell the ribosomes how to act. The main step of creating protein that ribosomes is a part of is labelled translation. 

Why Ribosomes are important

Ribosomes are necessary for the cell to live. They go around providing protein for every other organelle in the cell. Without them protein would stop being produced which ends up with organelles dying. If organelles die then the cell dies.  

Where to find Ribosomes

Ribosomes either are floating around the cytoplasm to the different organelles or attached to the cells endoplasmic reticulum. If the ribosomes are just being created they are in the nucleus untill they are ready to support the cell.

  • Ribosomes create protein for the cell to function
  • Ribosomes either float around the cytoplasm or bind to endoplasmic reticulum
  • Found in both plant and animal cells
  • Ribosomes are different from normal organelles in that they are not surrounded by a protective membrane
  • The "rib" in ribosome comes from ribonucleic acid (RNA) which provides the instructions on making proteins.

Campaign Video


  1. vote for ribosomes? sure.. if you want a cell ran by diseased organelles.

    1. You don't even exist in the animal cell. Just the plant cell. So if the chloroplasts are elected, how do you plan to run both cells?!?!

    2. I think its time for you to return to the plant cell @chloroplast

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Really? That is all that ribosomes do? Lysosomes ensure the safety of the ribosomes, and all the other organelles. Not only that, but without the lysosome, how would the waste from the cell get out? Vote Lysosome, the more important organelle.

    1. Listen here you little organelle in the cytoplasm containing degradative enzymes enclosed in a membrane lover, I'll have you know my ribosomes are the top tier in the so called producer so it can keep the calls alive. Without us you guys wouldnt be able to sort out any waste, you'd be dead. Now I don't know what you think is better, life or death but in our opinion its life. If you want to live vote ribosomes

    2. balls in your court lol @lysosome

    3. Really? I agree that this is a life or death choice, as ribosomes can have malfunctions that can kill the cell... That is, if the lysosomes were not there to get rid of the ribosomes' faulty work. Since ribosomes make so many mistakes, the lysosomes have to come in and take over, thus saving the cell. Do your really wan't to elect an organelle that can't even do it's job right? Vote Lysosomes, we can fix the ribosome's mistakes.

  4. Ribosomes winning said "cellelection" would actually be a complete nightmare. The cell membrane provides you with protection from harmful substances, supports you and maintains a good place to live for all organelles. Without me, you would be completely defenseless against numerous diseases, viruses and bacteria's. Ultimately you would die without the cell membrane. Have you snapped out of your daydream yet? Vote cell membrane, the most important organelle - I'm here to protect you!

    1. the ribosomes are all over the cell. The cell membrane is just on the outskirts. its like you don't even care about the cell. I bet you didn't even know that the cell membrane is partially made of proteins. Did you? lol you don't even know what your'e made of. And do you know who makes protein? ribosomes do. So it would be kinda hard to protect a cell if YOU DON'T EVEN EXIST. lol get rekt m8.

    2. The tables have turned @cell membrane

    3. I'm just gonna turn the table right back around if you don't mind. Take a seat, get comfy. I did indeed know that I am partially made of proteins (read the cell membrane blog lol). But you don't think I care about the cell? I literally surround the entire cell in order to protect it, which I do very efficiently. If I was not there to protect you and give you access to substances which are crucial to your survival you would die. You would have no meaning or purpose. It's kinda hard to make proteins when your're dead. So you're welcome for protecting you and supporting you. I'll let the disrespect slide and won't let you just die... have fun slaving away and making proteins for me.

    4. *drops mic*

    5. Although you made valid points we still do not agree with you 100%. Without protein (that we produce BTW) you cant do all those amazing things you stated above. You'll be having a hard time protecting the cell without any protein being delivered. As said in our campaign video we will always be by your side no matter if you doubt us. We will go back to producing proteins because as we said we get the job done and we are proud of it!


      *tips fedora*
      *rolls away in my heelys*

    7. Please point out where I used the wrong "you're". Sorry, I was typing so fast trying to educate you on why you need me, the cell membrane.

      Also, I still do not agree with you 100% either and I never asked you to agree with me. I am just stating the obvious facts and I can't control what you understand or comprehend, ribosome. I am not only made out of protein and with evolution on my side I could learn to survive without you and adapt to new changes and still do my job efficiently - but I'd be glad to let you stick around since I care about all the organelles, even the ones who can't seem to understand that they need me to survive.

    8. giving up already?? this is just the beginning my friend @ribosomes
      we know you're there... mostly because if you weren't, we would be dead first!

    9. Approximately 39.6 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with all cancer sites at some point during their lifetime, based on 2010-2012 data. Too bad you cant protect THEM.

    10. Oh Ribosome, blind little ribosome. Cancer isn't our fault. That is a defect of the nucleus.

      Also, take a step back. You want to claim that you're so important and that your proteins make the cell membrane you should be taking responsibilities for our faults. But don't worry that's not much responsibility since we know how to do our job.

    11. We ribosomes do agree that the cell membrane is a very important part of the cell and we never said it wasn't our fault too. We are the most important organelle because again, without us you cannot fulfill your job of protecting the cell from those nasty viruses and bacteria.

    12. Like we said, we are ALWAYS by your side.

    13. It's not what the cell can do for you, its what YOU can do for the cell

    14. Ribosome, I am not doubting your skill and efficiency of your job but now I am doubting your skills of reading and knowing to quit while you are ahead. I never said that you were not saying you don't contribute to defects, I was merely stating that you should clearly own up to it and not claim to only be important when things are going good. Also, I do a lot more for the cell than the cell does for me - not to be cocky or anything. Furthermore, I already gave you reasons as to why I don't need you. But since you just keep coming back and I'm a giving organelle who cares about your well being I will once again repeat myself. Although, I am made up of some protein I am not entirely made of protein, I have more depth that maybe you should educate yourself on. Also, we all have evolution on our side.. if you were to cease to exist (which I can make happen FYI) I could learn to live without you and adapt to the change.

    15. before you would be able to evolve to live without ribosomes, there would be millions of years of humans dying before that happened. But we don't have to worry about that because you cannot kick us out of the cell. The nucleus put us there, and it is NOT your call to make.

    16. I never said it was my call to make or that it was my intention. I simply stated that I could make it happen. But once again, I can't control what you comprehend which is too bad because if I could this would have ended a while ago when you understood that I indeed play a large role in your survival and purpose. If you don't want to be protected, have purpose or even survive by all means continue to not believe that I am indeed the most important organelle. Fellow organelles, vote for cell membrane!

    17. "I could this would have ended a while ago when you understood that I indeed play a large role in your survival and purpose."

      Us ribosomes already stated that we agree you do understand you play a large role in the whole cells survival and purpose but as said earlier even with the power of evolution we are a key part in the cells life and want to believe it or not we'd be hard to replace. We've both pointed out key points and I believe the last step is to leave the organelles to vote.

    18. Maybe you stated that but you still went on to make comments that contradicted your statement. But I have to agree we've got to leave it to the fellow organelles. May the best organelle win.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Getting Alzheimers from the mutated ribosome organelle and forgets that the Golgi is the most important would be the only way someone would vote for you!

    1. The best 360 no-scopers need a boost to perform at their 'Apex' lol... so what supplement do they turn to? G-fuel. What does G-fuel contain? Protein. What do the ribosomes make? proteins. So before you get smart with us, remember that we'll be ready to 360 dropshot wallbang the golgi. And remember, you dont 'FaZe' us.

  7. I hate to crush your dream but we the Nucleus make you and its as simple as that. Without us you're nothing. The nucleus is in fact the MOST important organelle in the cell it is the brain of the cell and if you had one you would understand that.

    1. Hey Nucleus and Golgi commented at the same time........ cute, let us (the more superior group), inform you on the importance on the ribosomes. So, you think we're just some organism that we produce proteins, right? WRONG. I don't know about you but I like my cells alive and well. Even if you do give us "brain power" there is one thing that your cell will never achieve without protein. CC Muscle. You see, CC Muscle is a prestigious group that only certain organelles are allowed to join. We give organelles the protein they need to to go about their day. Your "Brain" cell (Whatever that is) doesn't have what it takes to join the club. Later.

    2. Alright well CC muscles I hate to say it but your oh so exclusive group would have a petty hard time without the golgi. Not only would they have a hard time you would DIE, along with all those other unimportant organelles. So you might want to consider asking the golgi to join the team.

    3. Sorry to burst your bubble the golgi's whole purpose is to work on the proteins after we deliver, without us you guys wouldnt even have a job
